Posts Tagged ‘Jimmy James Canales’


“The New Old San Antonio: Tales From the Little Big Town” Final Fridays May 27th, 2011

May 26, 2011

Heralded as “…the culmination of a year’s exchange of talent.” by the SA Current and “Curated by human dynamo Rex Hausmann of Hausmann Millworks and Darin M. White of  b.a.l.m.  (beauty, art and life movement), the show is the latest volley in an artistic exchange…” by SA Express News. eReview states “The resulting exhibition is a mix of work that paints the city as a diverse and vibrant arts community.”  Also noted by Jabulani Laffal on NPR Radio KCUR 89.3 FM Central Standard Show, “…how their recent collaborations have started a larger conversation about artists forming communities outside their region.” And …“something extra special” by See additional Press here.

Come see this fabulous exhibition as part of Final Friday Events for May, 27th. The Exhibition runs till June 17th.

The New Old San Antonio:
Tales from The Little Big Town

April 29-June 17, 2011
Lawrence Arts Center
, 940 New Hampshire Street 

This exhibition features the works of 33 artists with deep roots from San Antonio who are in various stages of their careers, from emerging artists to well-established artists with works in museum collections. Produced and curated by Rex Hausmann of the San Antonio, Texas studio program, Hausmann Millworks: A Creative Community, and Darin M. White of the Lawrence art collective b.a.l.m. (beauty, art and life movement), The New Old San Antonio builds upon a budding visual arts connection between the two cities that began with 2009’s The White Show, and is presented in memory of Chuck Ramirez & Marcia Gygli King.

Image: A large portion of the artists from “The Little Big Town” by Hausmann Millworks – Photo Credit: ©2011 Ansen Seale

The New Old San Antonio gathers responses artists who share what they love so dearly: their home town, artists, and art, creating a collection of work that any city would be proud to call their own. The show presents intimate conversations among the revered and established and the new and emerging.

Kyle Martin in front of “300 Point Drop” 27″ High site specific installation
Jimmy Kuehnle’s performance piece in process which started at Spencer Museum of Art on April 29th for the Final Fridays Events

A group of artist and art lovers from San Antonio, and the producers gather

A view of the Atrium space where a good portion of the exhibition is on display at the Lawrence Arts Center

A partial view of the exhibition in the front gallery at the Lawrence Arts Center

Artist List:
David Alcantar
David Almaguer
Arturo Almeida
Joseph Alamendares
Fernando Andrade
Avi Avalos
Kim Bishop
Rolando Briseño
Victoria Campbell
Jimmy James Canales
Danville Chadbourne
Jonathan Cowan
John Davis
Bill FitzGibbons
Aaron Hans Forland
Mark Gelatt
Larry Graeber
Jimmy Kuehnle
Marilyn Lanfear
Jayne Lawrence
Pedro Lujan
Kyle Martin
Jung Hee Mun
Chuck Ramirez
Kevin Rayhons
Ángel Rodríguez-Díaz
Morgan Santander
Ansen Seale
Ethel Shipton
Russell Stephenson
Gary Sweeney
Louis Vega Treviño
Marc Weigand

balm is a non profit organization working on 501-3C Status.
If you or an organization or business would like to donate funds, time or
other resources to further art and artists in Lawrence, KS and throughout
the country please send any correspondence to the addresses in the
signature or donate by clicking the link below.

Preview Image

list of partners/ sponsors/ supporters:

b.a.l.m. beauty, art and life movementHausmann Millworks

Final Fridays Events Lawrence, KS        




“The New Old San Antonio: Tales From the Little Big Town” Exhibition and Events

April 15, 2011
Press Release
For Immediate Release:

The New Old San Antonio:
Tales from The Little Big Town

April 29-June 17, 2011
Lawrence Arts Center
, 940 New Hampshire Street 

This exhibition features the works of 33 artists with deep roots from San Antonio who are in various stages of their careers, from emerging artists to well-established artists with works in museum collections. Produced and curated by Rex Hausmann of the San Antonio, Texas studio program,
Hausmann Millworks: A Creative Community, and Darin M. White of the Lawrence art collective b.a.l.m. (beauty, art and life movement), The New Old San Antonio builds upon a budding visual arts connection between the two cities that began with 2009’s The White Show, and is presented in memory of Chuck Ramirez & Marcia Gygli King.

Image: A large portion of the artists from “The Little Big Town” by Hausmann Millworks – Photo Credit: ©2011 Ansen Seale

The New Old San Antonio gathers responses artists who share what they love so dearly: their home town, artists, and art, creating a collection of work that any city would be proud to call their own. The show presents intimate conversations among the revered and established and the new and emerging.

Artist Images: Top Left Clockwise: Jimmy James Canales, still from The Maria Experiment performance, Louis Vega Trevino, Heeled, Rolando Briseno, Heart Tablescape, Jayne Lawrence, Nuture/Nature, Jimmy Kuehnle, still from Make It Look Rich performance

Public Programs

Insight Lecture Series:
The Directors Talk | The Making of the Little Big Town

April 21, 7-8 PM
Lawrence Arts Center, 940 New Hampshire Street

A lecture with the b.a.l.m. and Hausmann Millworks directors on the process and curation of the Little Big Town Series of events

Make It Look Rich: An interactive performance by Jimmy Kuehnle
April 29, 5:30-6:50 PM
Spencer Museum of Art , 1301 Mississippi Street
Make It Look Rich is a mobile, interactive, and engaging public art performance by Jimmy Kuehnle. Kuehnle will don a large inflatable suit, beginning his performance on the Museum’s lawn and continuing down the hill through the streets to downtown Lawrence.

Panel Discussion: “The Beautiful Life: Looking at Life and Perspectives on Creativity, Sideways”
April 29, 7-8pm
Hobbs Taylor Lofts, 8
th & New Hampshire

In her downtown loft, Spencer Museum of Art Director Saralyn Reece Hardy will host a discussion fresh from CAM (Contemporary Art Month) in San Antonio, Texas, regarding the subject of artistic involvement and integration into society as a whole. Four artists/directors will speak about their work, ideas on contemporary art-making and marketing, and their curatorial work both nationally and internationally.

Artist List:
David Alcantar
David Almaguer
Arturo Almeida
Joseph Alamendares
Fernando Andrade
Avi Avalos
Kim Bishop
Rolando Briseño
Victoria Campbell
Jimmy James Canales
Danville Chadbourne
Jonathan Cowan
John Davis
Bill FitzGibbons
Aaron Hans Forland
Mark Gelatt
Larry Graeber
Jimmy Kuehnle
Marilyn Lanfear
Jayne Lawrence
Pedro Lujan
Kyle Martin
Jung Hee Mun
Chuck Ramirez
Kevin Rayhons
Ángel Rodríguez-Díaz
Morgan Santander
Ansen Seale
Ethel Shipton
Russell Stephenson
Gary Sweeney
Louis Vega Treviño
Marc Weigand

balm is a non profit organization working on 501-3C Status.
If you or an organization or business would like to donate funds, time or
other resources to further art and artists in Lawrence, KS and throughout
the country please send any correspondence to the addresses in the
signature or donate by clicking the link below.

Preview Image

list of partners/ sponsors/ supporters:

b.a.l.m. beauty, art and life movementHausmann Millworks

Final Fridays Events Lawrence, KS        




b.a.l.m. WHITE SHOW at Hausmann Millworks reviewed

June 21, 2010

The b.a.l.m. WHITE SHOW at Hausmann Millworks was a little lighter on the trek
back to Kansas.  Three additional art works sold while in San Antonio, Texas.
Congratulations artists!

We heard over and over how much people appreciated the level of quality that this
show has to offer.  We would like to thank the people of San Antonio for their
appreciation, requests for extension, supporting this traveling art show both in
purchases as well as attendance and by word of mouth.  Thank you to Rex
Hausmann and the Millworks for hosting and helping sponsor the exhibition.

The exhibition opened on March 6th, 2010 in conjunction with
Contemporary Art Month (CAM) with a well attended reception with many curators,
directors and art buyers and of course art lovers.  There was also a large closing
reception on March 27th, 2010, with art performances, bands etc and
because of numerous requests the exhibit was extended to May 5th, 2010.

There was an excellent review  By Elda Silva – (San Antonio) Express-News
‘White Show’ able to amuse and unsettle at the same time

Here are a few more links related to the traveling exhibition in San Antonio.
Visit San Antonio Calendar of Events
Contemporary Art Month (CAM) Listing
San Antonio Express News 2010 Contemporary Art Month (CAM) highlights
Contemporary Art Month (CAM) Artists List 2010

Below are a few images from the opening reception and various times throughout
the show.  For more images please see here.

For more information about booking this exhibition for your gallery, art center or
museum please contact Darin White at 785.764.2216 or email here.

Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission

Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission
Photograph ©2010 John Karlis Used with permission


WHITE SHOW Opens in San Antonio, TX March 6th, 2010

February 28, 2010

After beginning at in Lawrence, KS, the WHITE SHOW opens in San Antonio, TX March 6th, 2010.  This event coincides with and is listed as a part of CONTEMPORARY ART MONTH, San Antonio’s perennial festival and Luminaria Arts Night.  This will be a great time to launch the contemporary works of WHITE SHOW artists in a another venue, Hausmann Millworks Gallery, in collaboration with other galleries, and art organizations.

Hausmann press release reads as follows:

“What is White?

Is white the way a human eye sees light? Is this five letter English word the containment of the entire color spectrum? Perhaps it is political or racial… memories, objects, impressions, subtle texture, dramatic variances the color white is a fully loaded word. White as an adjective attracts multiple interpretations. The WHITE show aims to explore all of the above.

The WHITE show began in Lawrence, Kansas and has traveled to San Antonio, Texas for its second debut as part of Contemporary Art Month. The show comprises 43 artists from 19 US States and Istanbul Turkey. The show includes established artists such as Rolando Briseno, TR Ericsson, Jon Keith Swindell, Stephen Johnson, and David Parker to name a few, and many emerging artists like Jimmy James Canales and Ardan Ozmenoglu.

Organized by b.a.l.m. in Lawrence, Kansas, the show was originally juried by Samuel W. Kho and and then further juried in San Antonio by Hausmann Millworks, we present to you the WHITE SHOW.”

Artists: TR Ericsson, Rolando Briseno, Darin M. White, Ben Ahlvers, Betty Wright, Jimmy James Canales, Jada Schumacher, Josh Willis, Lance Cheney, Larry Cole, Rex Hausmann, Ardan Ozmenoglu, Jane Flanders, K. Hawkom Thomas, Sunny Belliston-Taylor, Leah Busch, Gary Bradley, Dennis Brown, Maura Schaffer, Jon Keith Swindell, James Cook, Paul Nielsen, Ian Colon, Meg Mitchell, Betsy Timmer, Dori Lewman, Keith Lemley, Barbara Simcoe, Susan Foley, Cricket Brooks, Barry Osbourn, Evan Conley, GF Wagner, Kristin Morland, Jay Walker, Shannon White, Vincent Leandro, Jeanne Lyons-Butler, Josh Jalbert, Don Lisy, Stephen Johnson, Matthew Farley, Blake Wilkinson, David Parker

An WHITE SHOW exhibition catalog is on its way from the complete and original exhibition b.a.l.m. presented at SIGNS OF LIFE GALLERY, Lawrence, KS.  We will make the catalog available as soon as possible.  If you or your organization would be interested in sponsoring this catalog, let us know as we believe you will be proud to be associated.  We were grateful to report approximately $5200 worth of artists’ work sold at this KS show and we are thankful for everyone’s help, patronage, partnership and participation in the show.   A few of the pieces sold will not travel, and the variety of artists and works was pared down to fit the gallery space in San Antonio.  Each show will take on a slightly different look and feel as it travels. Thank you for taking this journey with us!

And now we are off to Texas…